The structure of the Müller Group.
Three Business Units
The Müller Group offers customer solutions from «Packaging to Processing». From secure industrial packaging to proven handling and processing systems. Thanks to the outstanding quality of Müller products and systems, customers receive needs-based and coordinated processes along their production chain, from delivery to production to storage, up to the delivery and the transport.
Internally, the Müller Group is divided into three business units.
Group Management
The strategic direction of the three business units is determined by the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board. In the family-run Müller Group, strategic decisions are always taken with the involvement of the management of the four Müller companies.
From left to right: Fabrice Monti di Sopra, Thomas Storrer (CEO of the Business Unit Processing), Jonas Müller (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Müller Processing), Patrick Müller (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Müller Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Müller Packaging, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Müller Plastics and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Müller Plastics), Christian Reinau (CEO of the Müller Group, CEO of the Business Unit Packaging, CEO of the Business Unit Systems), Ueli C. Müller, Daniel Müller, Andreas Schmid (CFO of the Müller Group), Dr. Mark Eichner (Secretary of the Board of Directors) and Peter Müller.